Tuesday, January 24, 2017


  1. Finish your Questionnaire, and send Jeff the email with the answers. ( jeffreyray@unr.edu )
  2. Do the first set of tutorials on Maya 2017. This includes: How to use exercise files, Notes on the Arnold Renderer, then all of the exercises in 1. The Maya Interface. From Overview of the Maya Interface to Use Maya workspaces. We will be working, learning the tutorials at least 2 - 4 on Wednesday
  3. If you do not already have a gmail, please create one so we can add you to the blog
The following are due on Monday, January 30th. Be ready to discuss and possibly present. 
  1. Explore up to three cities on Google Maps
  2. Take snapshots of parts of the cities
  3. Put a link to your city in the blog
  4. Go over the syllabus
  5. Look for game art/ artists and post on blog
  6. Start drawing out maps, designs, etc... in your notebook. 
  7. Start writing down ideas about what you want your city to be about, etc... 

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