During the lecture, what really stood out to me was The High Line system that was built in New York. My first thought about that train system being converted to a park was that it should've remained a train system, as there are people who would go out of their way to use that particular transportation line because instead of being underground you have a raised rail network, giving you a view of the city and its surroundings. I wasn't particularly fond of the early "game" called The Intruder, as to me it seemed disjointed, cluttered, and overall messy in terms of what she was attempting to create. If she truly wanted to make a game out of it, you could've made it something like an RPG where your entire objective was to hunt down the pieces of this story that had key clues to unlocking the exit or whatever. The "game" especially annoyed me considering it was released in 1999, when we had such graphic masterpieces as DOOM, Final Fantasy VIII, Super Smash Bros, or Quake. Overall, very poor execution on part of the designer.
Side Note: I would upload photos of my notebook but as of late I've just been sort of implementing things on the fly and not writing them down. I would also upload a photo of my cityscape but I am not at said computer. Instead I can tell you that at this stage my city will represent a blend of 1955 Hill Valley from Back To The Future and San Francisco. Look forward to it.
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