Monday, March 6, 2017

Summary of todays and Weds class (what was projected in class today)

  • Both the game and the architecture board is due today
  • Bring stuff up on your computer
  • I will meet one on one today, give you a grade and we will do class critique on Weds
  • I also want to see your drawings, talk about your work. 
  • I don’t expect it to be totally ready but you will get a grade or two lowered down if not much has been done.
  • Those who did the most work/ spent extra time in lab/ at home, get the better grade
  • You do get two more days to finesse’ the pieces/ get it ready for class crit on Weds. 
  • Essentially today will be a lab day, extra couple of days to tweak your work
  • Might be able to make a few extra  points (B - to B for example)  the next two days….. 
  • No more 3D printing for a bit. Unless on the queue.Letting Nicole and her class catch up. 
  • Your papers have been logged in, but will be graded over spring break. 
  • Brief note on the next phase. Which starts next week. 
  • Will be a focus on Unity. Still will make objects in Maya. Will start importing into Unity 
  • In Unity you will also do most of your coloring, texturing painting, and rendering….  
  • Material run. this week
  • Artist and city statement due Weds  ( this is for the exhibit as well as a grade). 

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