Monday, February 6, 2017

City Ideas, Noel Johnson

I currently have three main ideas for my cities creation:

1. I want to create a city in which all of the architecture is phallic in nature. However, I do want my city to tell a story. In order for this to happen I want the first building you see to be vaguely phallic and somewhat small and non-threatening, however, as you move through the city I want the buildings to become more sinister and looming - and slightly reminiscent of Xenomorph architecture and biology from the movie "Alien", as well as the architecture styling of HR Giger. Lastly, as you move into the last phase of the city it becomes more light-hearted and funny.

2. For this city I want to base it around more organic architecture, but pushed even more so. As if the earth became tired of being taken advantage of and became large and took over the world we currently live in, forcing the individual to co-inhabit with the buildings . For example, individuals would live in small mushroom homes, luxury hotels would be the trees themselves . Inspiration for these would be drawn from fictional places like the Shire, Rivendale, and the watercolor paintings of Stephanie Pui-mun Law.

A possible map example:

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