Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Lecture Comments, Public Art, & Paper*

        This weeks lecture talked about "Gamer Theory" by McKenzie Wark which was really about building a game with rules, laws, and a general goal. She explains that gamers like to have a goal and don't necessarily like to be told the rules right out of the gate. "'As the player proceeds through the game, she gradually discovers the rules that operate in the universe constructed by this game.' Alex Galloway: 'To play the game means to play the code of the game. To win means to know the system. And thus to interpret a game means to interpret its algorithm.' (Wark, 30) My game really isn't set to have any rules, it's an aimless wandering sort of adventure through a maze like city where hopefully you'll find the end. The lecture also addressed the architect Do Ho Suh. An artist who almost specializes in public art. His cloth/see through type house is something that I'm really interested in, and maybe would be cool to have that kind of thing as my public piece in my game, but i'm not sure how to do that so we'll see. In general I have no idea what I want my public art installation to be. I really like food, or things that look like other things, so thinking about doing something like that, but still not 100% sure. 2/3 public installations I've chosen represent this idea. The third one I put down because I hate it, I have to look at it almost everyday and I think it's hideous.

Art Eggcident, Chile

Horizons, New Zealand 

The Reno Star, Nevada

*Click here for paper

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