Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Artist Statement, Bio, Description

Catherine Pollock is a curious and eclectic being. She is studying computer science and sees programming as a means for creative expression. She finds balance by practicing yoga regularly and escaping into nature. 

Artist statement:

Anything is art, relative to perception. Art is in, on, and around everything. My subject matter often reflects my love for technology, nature, and all things deemed strange. All of these subjects are as prevalent as art; you cannot escape them, and great joy can be found by embracing them.

City statement:

Biggest Little Funhouse
By bringing a carnival atmosphere to a city, the interplay between childhood and adulthood is questioned. As children, fun is of utmost value. I recall being overjoyed while exploring a funhouse, where nothing was as it seemed. Things were strange simply because they could be.
As we transition to adulthood, fun becomes much less of a priority. Strange is no longer suitable; we prioritize efficiency, order, and predictability. My city takes this same transition. What seems to be an endless adventure through a city-wide funhouse soon becomes more of a haunted one.

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